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Photo editing 101 - tips for non-experts

People often compliment me on my photographs, but I'm really not an expert.

Without blowing my own trumpet too much, I do manage to turn out some photos I'm really proud of... but like most people I'm taking all my photos on my phone these days, and not every one is a winner. So what's my secret!?

Well if you've ever asked me before, you'll probably know its not the best kept secret in the world - its just my two absolute favourite apps, Snapseed and PicsArt.

Now before you jump to conclusions - this is not a paid advertisement. I wish actually! But the best thing about creating stunning photos with these apps is that anyone can do it, even me! And its information worth sharing.

For example, this morning I took a photo of a rundown, boarded up house. To my eye, the house had some interesting textures, and the old weather-beaten wood was taking on some beautiful colour variations, but the photo didn't really convey the magic - the lighting was a bit dull and as it turned out the angle was all wrong.

So while I was waiting for my next appointment to turn up, I sat in my car and played with the photo in Snapseed, and voila! A much more pleasing result, with a bit of atmospheric magic to boot!

And whether or not you like the subject, or my photo - just looking at the difference between these two photos sparked an idea for a blog, because this type of photo editing is so accessible to anyone, and so worth learning if you're looking to sparkle up your social media!

If you've done any research into how to stand out on social media, you will know that stunning visual images are part of the solution. And as an artist in particular, I know that people are visiting my page looking for a bit of eye candy, along with the inspiration. But no matter what your product or your interest, it is always important to present your work at its best, and to feel really proud of how you are able to present it.

So whether you're taking photos of your artworks, your garden, your latest business venture or your kids, I would highly recommend downloading one of these free apps and learning how to use it. They have totally transformed the look and feel of my photography, and without having to buy an expensive camera OR learn how to use Photoshop!

Their list of features is impressive, from your basic tuning of lighting, saturation and warmth, to completely transforming the perspective (as I have above), turning up the drama, adding glow effects and removing unwanted parts of the image.

I love it for my business photos because it makes me look good, and I love it for my personal photos, because I can create such beautiful memories.

And if I can do it, anyone can.


(PS. My favourite subject IS actually my kids, so here are a few gratuitous snaps, all favourite black and whites, and all edited in Snapseed and PicsArt).

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